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Store » Crates

Crate keys for use at /warp crates in-game 
You can view inside each crate and the % chance you will receive a given item by opening a crate by viewing the crates spawn.

Here you can buy keys you can use to open these crates and obtain rare and exclusive items.

Loot Crate
Loot Crate

£0.99 GBP
Lucky Crate
Lucky Crate

£1.49 GBP
Rare Crate
Rare Crate

£1.99 GBP
6 Loot Crates
6 Loot Crates

£3.99 GBP
10 Lucky Loot Crates
10 Lucky Loot Crates

£11.99 GBP
10 Rare Crate Keys
10 Rare Crate Keys

£14.99 GBP
10 Epic Crates
10 Epic Crates

£19.99 GBP