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Minecraft 1.21 Server Update: Exciting News for EliteCraft Players!

Hey everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce that the Minecraft 1.21.4 server update for EliteCraft is almost ready!

We have been working hard on this update, which is officially due to go live on December 21st, just in time for the holidays.

Here’s what to look forward to:

New World 🌎

A fresh start awaits with a new world map, including the new gardens biome, featuring pale oak trees and all the exciting features of Minecraft 1.21.4.

While in-game items won’t transfer to the new map, all player ranks on EliteCraft will remain the same as usual. Some server features, including vehicles, /shop and Slimefun, will not be immediately available upon launch as they are still being updated for 1.21.

Advent Calender 🎁

This year before Christmas, we will be hosting an advent calendar were players can claim gifts for every day in December before Christmas. Claim your epic gifts using /adventcalender in-game every day until Christmas!

As the new world won’t be live until December 20th, we will be offering great gifts for a few days, including keys for all crates, so it's a great chance to grab some loot when arriving to the new world, don’t miss this chance to gear up on the new map! 

Build Battle Contest 🏆

Starting with the new world launch, we’re hosting a build battle for one month after the update goes live.
Show off your creativity, and those with the best submissions for the competition, as judged by the EliteCraft staff, will have the chance to win special prizes.

Holiday Sale 🛒

For two weeks only, our Holiday Sale is now on at elitecraft.net/store
Enjoy up to 40% off on all ranks and items, from now until January 3rd.

We can’t wait to see you exploring the new world on Minecraft Java Edition 1.21.4.

Join us now on with the server IP: EC-MC.NET to take part in the holiday festivities!

Happy holidays and happy building!

— The EliteCraft Staff Team 🎄




Elitecraft has a Discord server which is the main place of discussion about EliteCraft, here we post announcements about server updates, events, and have voice and text channels. 

You can join the server with this link



Elitecraft has a YouTube channel at ElitecraftOfficial https://www.youtube.com/@ElitecraftOfficial4 where we occasionally post server trailers and server related videos 


We are also on TikTok at @elitecraftuk https://www.tiktok.com/@elitecraftuk 


If you would like to submit any Minecraft or EliteCraft related content for us to upload to any of our social media please reach out to us.


We love to welcome new players on the server, who can find the server through our social media or most often from advertisements or server listings that can be seen at elitecraft.net/vote


Hello everyone, the EliteCraft server has had very little store activity since the new site launched, in fact over the last 3 months we have received only £23 in total purchases on the store. This is not enough to support the costs associated with running the server, which equal to ~£120 per month. This means we are in urgent need of funding to keep our server, which has been running for almost 11 years, online at this time. Please consider purchasing items from elitecraft.net/store or making a donation at elitecraft.net/donate to keep the server online.

Ranks and Commands over 2 years ago

Here is a list of all the ranks avaliable to players of EliteCraft and what commands and permissions they have on the server. 

This command list may not be 100% accurate and is subject to change as we frequently add new commands to our server ranks. Please let staff know if you notice any discrepancies in this command list.

All ranks inherit commands from lower ranks, so that Regulars have all Guest commands, Elites have all commands from Guest and Regular, and so on. The avaliable ranks on EliteCraft are as follows: Guest, Regular, Elite, Elite+, VIP, Legend, King, God, Ultimate, Ultra, Ruby, Diamond and Emerald.


Guest is the default rank of EliteCraft that all new players on EliteCraft will start at. These are the commands are avaliable to all players on EliteCraft.

/kit claim - Gives you a gold shovel so you can claim land!

1 Home - /sethome .

/home - Instantly teleports you back to your home. 



/afk - Indicate to everyone that you are away from your computer.

/away - Same as /afk


/warp end - No need to find an end portal, use our end spawn to get there whenever you want!

/nether - Allows you to access the nether without a portal!

Lottery commands - Allows you to participate in the hourly lottery for a chance to win money!

/lottery status - Tells you how many tickets you have, how much money is in the pot, and how long until the next draw is.

/lottery buy - Specify how many tickets you want. 100$ each, max of 100 tickets per round.

/rules - Brings up the server rules. It also brings up a link to our forum page for rules.

/msg - Allows you to send a private message to another player. You can also use /whisper or /tell. You can use /r to reply, but it will only reply to the last person you got a message from.

/back - Used to return to the place you just were. Most helpful if you die and need to get back to your items.

/balance - Shows how much money you currently have.

/spawn - Returns you to our spawn.

/tpa - Asks the player if you can teleport to them.

/tpaccept - Accepts a players tp request.

/tpdeny - Denies a players tp request. 

/who - Shows list of everyone who is online. 

Using chest shops to buy/sell items - You can’t create them at this time, but you can use them!

Mob arena commands - A fun minigame where you face waves of mobs alone or with a group for fun prizes!

/ma join - Joins a mob arena. Arenas are listed at the mob arena warp!

/ma leave - Leaves the mob arena.

/ma help - Shows all commands you can do with mob arenas!

Modrequest commands

/modreq - Use this to report something to staff or ask for help!

/ar check - Shows how much playtime you have on the server. Free ranks, regular and elite, are given based on playtime.

/ignore - If someone is bothering you, you can choose to ignore them and not see their messages.

/tptoggle - Toggles if people can teleport to you. 

Make elevators - Place a quartz block on a redstone block and repeat directly above. Then you can crouch or jump to change levels. You can also use red carpet on top of blue wool blocks. 

/shop - Opens our shop menu so you can buy assorted items. 

/trapped - Brings up a section in chat to help if you get stuck or trapped on a players claim.

/help - You probably used this command to get to this page, so yeah!

/pay - Pay people for things or builds.

Create claims - Use your gold shovel to create claims. All claims are protected from bedrock to build limit.

/trust - Allows a player to access everything within your claim.

/abandonclaim - Abandons the claim you are standing inside.

/unclaim - Same as /abandonclaim

/abandonallclaims - Abandons all of your claims.

/claimlist - Shows all your claims.

/untrust - Revokes a players access to your claim

/trustlist - Shows everybody who is trusted to your claim.

Job commands - Do different jobs and get paid! Max of 3 jobs.

/jobs browse - See all available jobs.

/jobs join - Join a specific job.

/jobs help - Shows all commands for jobs.

/jobs leave - Leave a specific job.

/jobs leaveall - Leave all your jobs at once.

/jobs shop - Open the shop for Jobs gear (uses job points as currency)

Party commands

/party info -  Shows info about the current party

/party create -  Creates a party

/party invite -  Invites a player to the current party

/party accept -  Accepts the incoming party invite, you will join the party

/party join -  Request to join an already existing party

/party quit -  Leaves the current party

/party chat -  Provides a private chat that only party members can see/use

/party alliance -  Creates an alliance with another party

/party itemshare -  Shares items with party members

/party kick -  Kicks a player from the party

/party lock -  Locks the current party

/party unlock -  Unlocks the current party

/party owner -  Used to pass on Ownership of party to player

/party leader -  Used to pass on Ownership of party to player

/party password -  Sets a password for the party

/party rename -  Renames the party

/party xpshare - Shares XP with party members

/skills - Shows information about skills

/mining  - Shows info about mining skill

/excavation  - Shows info about excavation skill

/fishing  - Shows info about fishing skill

/woodcutting -  Shows info about woodcutting skill

/axes  - Shows info about axes skill

/swords  - Shows info about swords skill

/archery  - Shows info about archery skill

/repair  - Shows info about repair skill

/herbalism  - Shows info about herbalism skill

/unarmed  - Shows info about unarmed skill

/acrobatics  - Shows info about acrobatics skill

/alchemy  - Shows info about alchemy skill

/taming  - Shows info about taming skill

/salvage  - Shows info about salvage skill

/smelting  - Shows info about smelting skill

Slimefun commands - Do /slimefun to learn what you can do!

/slimefun guide - Gives you the guide to learning about the new things you can do!

Disposal signs - Put [Disposal] on any sign to make an instant trash can. 

/hdb - Buy heads through the head database

/db claim - Claim your daily bonus prize once every day.

/sittoggle - Toggle between sitting by right click on/off

/sit - Sit down

/lay - Lay down in a sleeping

/crawl - Lay down in a crawling position

Creative Perks

1 plot

All creative commands

/plot help -  Displays available commands.

/plot help claiming -  Displays all commands having to do with claiming a plot

/plot auto -  Automatically claims an available plot

/plot claim -  Claim an available plot you are at

/plot  delete -  Deletes a claimed plot

/plot help teleport -  Displays all commands having to do with teleporting

/plot  kick - Kick a player from your plot

/plot  middle -  Teleports you to the middle of the plot

/plot  home ( /plot home ) -  Teleport to a named plot

/plot help protection -  Displays all commands having to do with plot protection

/plot  trust -  Trust a player to build on your plot. They can edit when you are 

/plot  add - Allow a player to build but only while you are online

/plot  deny - Deny a user from a plot (kick?)

/plot  remove -  Remove a player's trust from a plot

/plot merge -  Connect adjacent plots of yours (max 4)

/plot  unlink -  unmerge your merged plots

/plot  done - Mark a plot as done

/plot  alias ( /plot alias ) -  Set the plot name

/plot  sethome -  Set the position you will teleport to when you use /plot home

 /plot chat -  Toggle plot chat setting on/off 

 /plot help web

/plot save -  Save your plot

/plot download -  Provides link to download your plot

/plot help cosmetic

/plot  music -  Set music in a plot

/plot clear -  Clear plot. cannot be undone!!

/plot help info

/plot info -  Displays plot info

/plot list -  search for plots

Skyblock Perks

All island commands - Full access to the entire skyblock island commands. This allows you to start an island, join with your friends, complete challenges, and much more!

 /island help -  Displays all commands

 /island go -  Will teleport you to your island

 /spawn -  Will teleport you to server's Skyblock Spawn

 /is reset -  Will reset your island. (Do twice to confirm and cannot be undone)

 /sethome -  Set a home

 /delhome -  Delete a home

 /home -  Teleport to a home

 /is level -  Check your island's level

 /is top -  Check top 10 islands

 /is value -  Check the value of an item in your hand

 /is warps -  See a list of available island warps

 /is warp -  Teleport to a specific island warp

 /is team -  Create/manage a team

/is invite -  Invite a player to join your team (max size -  4)

/is leave -  Leave a team

 /is kick -  Kick player from your team

 /is accept -  Accept invitation to join a team

/is reject - reject invitation to join a team

/is setowner -  Transfer island ownership to a member

/is coop -  Make a player coop rank on your island

/is uncoop -  Remove a coop rank from a player

/is trust -  Give a player trusted rank on your island

/is untrust -  Remove trusted rank from player

 /is expel -  Expel a player from your island

 /is ban -  Ban a player from your island

 /is banlist -  See a list of banned players on your island

 /is unban -  Unban a player from your island

 /is settings -  Manages settings in more detail about your island

 /is challenges -  View challenges for skyblock. These will help you on your path to progressing your island and to getting a higher /is level.



This is the second free rank of EliteCraft, obtained after 12 hours of gameplay on the EliteCraft Server.

Survival Perks

2 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

Creating chest shops - Follow the instructions at /warp adminbuilding. There is a chest shop office explaining how to do everything!

Access to /ah

/ah help -  Brings up menu of /ah /ca commands

/ah view -  View a specific player’s sales on /ah

/ah sell -  Add item in your hand to /ah

/ah listed -  View your current listings (/ah listed)

/ah expired -  View your expired listings

/ah collect - collect your expired listings

/auc start - Starts an auction of the item in your hand for the set price.

/bid - Bid amount towards current auction item.

/auc ignore - Ignore all the auction messages in chat.

/auc listen - Listen to all the auction messages in chat.

/auc info - Shows information about the current item up for auction. 

/me - Shows message to server

Creative Perks

1 plot



This is the third free rank of EliteCraft, obtained after 24 hours of gameplay on the EliteCraft Server.

This is the third free rank of EliteCraft, obtained after 24 hours of gameplay on the EliteCraft Server.

3 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

/baltop - See the balances of all players listed from most money to least. 

/hug, /punch, /murder, /dab, /cry, /facepalm, /high5, /kiss, /shake, /yell, /poke, /slap, /pat, /scorn, /beesknees, and /redsus - User specified chat emote on a player of your choosing! (Just displays a message in chat)

Creative Perks

Up to 3 plots!



This is the last free rank of the EliteCraft Server, obtained after 72 hours of playtime.

Survival Perks

/kit elite+ - Free goodies!

3 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

Buy all heads from /hdb - Allows you to get all heads in our head database with the exception of player heads

/loom - Gives you a portable loom!

Stocks - 

/stocks buy [stock symbol] [number of stocks] - Buy shares in a stock

/stocks sell [stock symbol] [number of stocks] - Sell shares in a stock

/stocks check [stock symbol] - Check prices of a stock

/stocks portfolio - Check your currently purchased stocks

Creative Perks

Up to 3 plots!


The following are our premium ranks, which are avaliable for purchase on our website through the EliteCraft store.
Premium ranks feature lots of fun commands for players, and premium ranks are often updated with new commands.



+50,000 Claim blocks

Survival Perks

/fly - Allows you to fly around the map in survival mode

/kit vip - Full of goodies!

Dark blue name and VIP prefix in chat and on our forums!

4 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

Disguise yourself as: cow, sheep, pig - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

/nv - Nightvision allows you to toggle nightvision potion effect!

/fix and /fix all - Repair the tool in your hand or repair all the tools and armor in your inventory!

/tpahere - Allows you to request a player teleports to your current location. 

/feed - Satisfies your appetite without eating!

Access to /warp VIP - Allows you to buy enchants that are more powerful than the vanilla enchants!

/workbench - Gives you a portable crafting table!

/bm - Allows you to customize, create, and buy banners!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyVIP - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridVIP - Free goodies in Skygrid!

Creative Perks

Up to 4 plots!

Set plot biomes



- Inherits Guest -> VIP permissions -

+100,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit legend - More goodies!

Gold name and Legend prefix in chat and on our forums!

Red and white chat color - /ezcolor allows you to choose which color you want your chat color to be!

5 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

New disguises: bat, horse, donkey, chicken - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

/god - Allows you to become invincible!

Keep inventory - Allows you to keep your items and experience when you die. Works in the overworld and in the nether. Automatically on when you get the rank!

/echest - Access your enderchest at any time!

/heal - Heal yourself instantly!

/near - Lists all players near you and their distance from you!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyLegend - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridLegend - Free goodies in Skygrid!

Creative Perks

Up to 5 plots!




- Inherits Guest -> VIP permissions -

+150,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit king - More goodies!

6 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

Light blue name and King prefix in chat and on our forums!

New disguises: llama, iron golem, mooshroom, villager, squid - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

Purple or green chat color - /ezcolor allows you to choose which color you want your chat color to be!

/tp - Allows you to teleport to a player without having to ask them to accept it. You should still ask if you can teleport to them. Warning: Abusing this perm by teleporting to people without their permission can result in losing it.

/nickname -  Allows you to give yourself a nickname!

/cartographytable - Gives you a portable cartography table!

Creation of 1 custom brew under the brewery plugin!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyKing - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridKing - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidKing - Free goodies in Acid Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 6 plots!



- Inherits Guest -> King permissions - 

+250,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit god - More goodies!

Aqua, gold, and pink chat color - /ezcolor allows you to choose which color you want your chat color to be!

Red name and God prefix in chat and on our forums!

7 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

New disguises: enderman, blaze, creeper, zombie, zombie pigman - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

/vanish - Allows you to become invisible to other players!

/grindstone - Gives you a portable grindstone!

/weather clear/storm - Allows you to change the weather to clear or storm!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyGod - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridGod - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidGod - Free goodies in Acid Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 7 plots!



- Inherits Guest -> God Permissions -

+500,000 claim blocks


Survival Perks

/kit ultimate - More goodies!

20 Homes - /sethome to set different homes!

Purple name and Ultimate prefix in chat and on our forums!

Grey, yellow, light blue, lime, dark grey, and cyan chat color - /ezcolor allows you to choose which color you want your chat color to be!

New disguises: Husk, shulker, endermite, skeleton - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

/co i - Core inspect allows you to see if a player did something and when they did it.

/ptime - Set your time to whenever you want. Only affects you and will not change mob spawning. (Example: You want to see your build at night but don’t want to wait. You do /ptime night and you can see how it looks. Nobody else will see it that way, unless they also do it, and mobs will not start to spawn.)

Colored text on signs - Use color codes to write in color on signs! /colors

Format and color your nickname - Using /nickname and /colors, you can change your nickname to whatever you want it to be!

Skyblock Perks (Kits from lower ranks in skyblock are not inherited)

/kit SkyUltimate - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridUltimate - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidUltimate - Free goodies in Acid Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 8 plots!




- Inherits Guest -> Ultimate permissions -

+600,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit ultra - More goodies!

Unlimited homes - /sethome to set as many different homes as you want!

Yellow name and Ultra prefix in chat and on our forums!

Access to /warp emporium - Allows you to buy enchants that are more powerful than the /warp VIP enchants!

/kittycannon - Shoots a slightly explosive kitty out in front of you. Doesn’t do much damage, it’s just a little fun.

New disguises: snowman, wolf, rabbit

Skyblock Perks (Kits from lower ranks in skyblock are not inherited)

/kit SkyUltra - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridUltra - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidUltra - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CaveUltra - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 9 plots!




- Inherits Guest -> Ultra permissions -

+700,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks


/kit ruby - More goodies!

Red italic name and Ruby prefix in chat and on our forums!

New disguises: spider, cat, slime, vex, ocelot - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

/stonecutter - Gives you a portable stonecutter!

Creation of 2 custom brews under the brewery plugin!

/ast - Opens the Interface for the new Armor Stand Tools plugin used to reposition armor stands you have placed. (some commands such as summon, clone, command block within the interface are not available to players for obvious reasons)

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyRuby - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridRuby - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidRuby - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CaveRuby - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 10 plots!




- Inherits Guest -> Ruby permissions -

+800,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit diamond - More goodies!

Blue name and Diamond prefix in chat and on our forums!

/anvil - Gives you a portable anvil!

New disguises: mule, skeleton horse, undead horse, polar bear - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyDiamond - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridDiamond - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidDiamond - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CaveDiamond - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 11 plots!



- Inherits Guest -> Diamond permissions -

+900,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit platinum - More goodies!

Platinum name and Platinum prefix in chat and on our forums!

/smithingtable - Gives you a portable smithing table!

New disguises: guardian, cave spider, witch, wither - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyPlatinum - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridPlatinum - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidPlatinum - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CavePlatinum - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 12 plots!



- Inherits Guest -> Platinum permissions -

+1,000,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit emerald - More goodies!

Emerald name and Emerald prefix in chat and on our forums!

A sign with your name on it at the EliteCraft Hall of Fame at spawn. (/warp emerald)

/setwarp - Please read all the information in the warp section at /warp adminbuilding before setting any warps!

New disguises: dolphin, turtle, tropical fish, drowned, wandering trader, trader llama, fox, panda, ghast, ravager, ender dragon, wither, salmon, cod, evoker fangs, pillager, illusioner, vindicator, evoker - Allows you to turn into a mob using /disguise!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyEmerald - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridEmerald - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidEmerald - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CaveEmerald - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 13 plots!


Custom Ranks


- Inherits Guest -> Emerald permissions -

+1,250,000 claim blocks

Survival Perks

/kit custom - More goodies!

You can create a custom prefix with any color/format you want. Simply make a modrequest in game with your desired formatting and colors and we will set it up as soon as possible!

/fly in the nether

/heal and /heal - Heal yourself or heal other players!

/seen - Check how long it has been since your friend was online.

/thru - Pass through the wall in front of you as long as there is space beyond it!

/top - Teleports you on top of the tallest thing above you!

/jumpto - Teleport to the position you are looking at!

1 set of Elite Armor (Initial purchase of custom only. Non-replaceable)

1 Elite bow (Initial purchase of custom only. Non-replaceable)

1 Elite axe (Initial purchase of custom only. Non-replaceable)

Creation of 3 custom brews under the brewery plugin!

Skyblock Perks

/kit SkyCustom - Free goodies in Skyblock!

/kit GridCustom - Free goodies in Skygrid!

/kit AcidCustom - Free goodies in Acid Block!

/kit CaveCustom - Free goodies in Cave Block!

Creative Perks

Up to 14 plots!


You can use the [Tab] button (beneath the Escape button] to show lists of commands and finish a command. For example, start to type the command and press tab, all available commands that meet your current option will be listed or completed for you. Pressing tab after such commands like /disguise will show all variables for the command - /disguise [entity] [Tab].


Can I destroy other players builds on EliteCraft?


Destroying other players builds is considered griefing, which is strictly not allowed on our server, even if the land is unclaimed. If you destroy another players build, you will be banned and the grief will be undone. We have claiming in the server because minecraft doesn’t auto-claim every block you place, so it is all manually done. So, even if something is NOT claimed and clearly unnatural, do NOT touch it!


Can I kill other players on EliteCraft?

We are a PvE survival server, which means there is no PvP in the majority of the server, however there is PvP in certain, clearly marked areas such as the PvP arena at /warp pvp, /warp pvpTown, or in the nether/end.


 How do I claim land?

A guide to land claiming can be found here on our forum, you can also use /protect in-game for a video tutorial.


Can I use Optifine or other mods?

See our list of approved mods here - unapproved mods can result in a permanent ban from our server.


How do I rank up on EliteCraft?

If you are a new player, you should rank up automatically through playtime, all the way up to Elite, type /ar check in-game to see your playtime. We have several ranks further than Elite for sale at elitecraft.net/store with many more fun features and benefits.


 How do I set a warp for my town?


Make one modreq where you want the warp set with the name of the warp included by typing "/modreq /warp (warp name)" at the location you want the warp set. You should also add details of what the warp is for in the request. There are certain criteria that the warp needs to meet, we will only create warps for decent towns with >6 residents, or spectacular builds.


How do I become staff on EliteCraft?


You can apply for a helper role here on our website. Though you must have at least 24 hours playtime and be at least 15 to qualify to become Helper. If you go above and beyond as Helper, you may have the opportunity to become Trial-Mod, and eventually Mod.


What Minecraft version is the server running?


We update to the latest version of Minecraft as soon as possible, it typically 4-6 weeks for the server to be updated when a new Minecraft update is released. We have 50 plugins to improve the vanilla Minecraft multiplayer experience.


I'm banned/muted on EliteCraft, how do I get unbanned/unmuted?


You can appeal a ban or mute on our rules page, where you can submit a ban appeal for staff to review.



What commands can I use in the server?


We suggest you check out our full command list that you can view here on our forums, or by using /help in-game at anytime. Find your rank on this page at elitecraft.net/commands and see what you can do! We add new commands to our collection of ranks all the time.


Thank you for playing EliteCraft!

Failed to fetch player data from MCStatistics!